
20 Best Free Proxy Sites – Top Free Proxy List

A free proxy server is your handy tool to surf through restricted websites. The moment a website pops up an error message of unable to access the site, then your sole rescue to unblock forbidden site will be by using any of the below listed free proxy servers.

As the world becomes more advanced in technology, people are always looking for ways of finding their way around prohibited sites. In the past, companies or countries were very sure that a restricted site would never be accessed in any way. However, things are very different now. With just a few steps and guidelines, it is very easy to securely bypass these restrictions. A VPN proxy or a Proxy site makes this possible for you.

Top 20 Best Free Proxy Sites

What is a Proxy Site?

The question of what a proxy site easily finds its answer by taking time to understand what proxy servers are. In simple computer definitions, proxy servers are systems or programs that function as the go-between application for processing requirements from clients who are in search of resources stored in another server in a huge network such as the Internet.

When surfing the Net or simply accessing websites, the client’s (that’s you) computer connects to a proxy server which in return requests other suitable servers for files, connection, and other types of services and resources. It is, however, important to emphasize that a proxy server is necessarily not an ordinary intermediary for diverse servers in the network. In the real sense, this computer system can sometimes be programmed to assess and filter out unnecessary sites and any other online applications.

Well, a proxy site is simply a website that allows individuals using the Internet to get around proxy servers. This allows them to have access even to online services or websites that would have been filtered out in the past by a proxy server. With a proxy site, an Internet user simply needs to key in the URL of the website’s they desire to access and enjoy unrestricted online browsing. A proxy website prevents the recording of a user’s IP address. This, therefore, helps the internet user to hide their true identity.

However, we cannot limit the definition of a proxy site to only finding access or work around restricted proxy servers. Proxy sites can, on the other hand, be of great use to users with more protected access to wireless networks. Proxy sites also give internet users a way of preserving total privacy online.

If you are in need of more secured and unidentified surfing, take time to study how advanced virtual private network works and how it can help you online. Using well sort VPN services, you will be able to secure all your online activities as well as bypass internet filtering!

How do VPN servers work?

A VPN server plays two major roles when it comes to accessing the website or surfing either to an individual or even a company. Other than allowing an internet user to access prohibited sites and hiding their identity, it also helps them in protecting their computers.

Proxy servers are very significant for protecting the computers using the application. It protects them especially from malicious applications that lie in wait in a system like the Internet. To add on these, this kind of server is also capable of caching web pages. This comes in handy when there is a need to speed up admittance to resources online.

However, just like any other system, proxy servers also have some drawbacks. Sometimes they can deter instead of boosting the use of the Internet. This is true for companies as well as countries that execute strict Internet censorship. Proxy servers are as well being used in denying access to blacklisted websites that are within the company or a country where the user is located.  And in such a scenario, we get a clearer understanding of how a proxy server works.

Why does one need proxy sites?

There are different reasons why one needs a proxy site. Below are five top reasons or significances of using a proxy site.

1. Access websites anonymously

This is the most familiar use of a proxy site. If you are always traveling in and outside the country, soon you will realize that there are several websites and programs which cannot be accessed in a certain location. This is because many countries restrict internet access to some sites while some online programs adapt to certain countries only. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) helps you to disguise your location giving you access to these restricted sites.

2. Improve Institutional and Corporate Security

Every company today is scared of being hacked. A proxy site lessens the chance of being hacked. Proxy servers add an extra layer of security linking your servers and outside traffic. Proxy servers act as a buffer because they are able to face the internet and transmit requests from computers that are outside the network. This guarantees the safety of your data and content at any given time.

3. Control Employee Internet Usage

No company is very comfortable when its employees access inappropriate or unsecured websites on company networks. That’s the reason why many companies run their internal networks on a proxy server. You can block unwanted content, as well as any other site you don’t want your employees to use or access. The best thing is that the employees might never know about the restrictions, hence you’ll be able to maintain a good relationship with them.

4. To improve computer performance

 On a more positive note, one can use proxy servers to improve computer performance, especially for large businesses. A caching proxy detects recurrent requests and stores them saving your company the hassle of having to use as much time and bandwidth the next time the same request is received. This reduces costs and usage and at the same time accelerates the time taken to process and save applications.

5. Balance Traffic to prevent Your Server from Crashing

Nothing annoys a client than a company’s website crashing when they need it. Proxy servers, peering and cloud data storage improves customer experience by making sure this doesn’t happen.

Essentially, your website’s content and data are stored across several servers worldwide in the cloud, while peering helps your system handle greater traffic. This creates a good relationship between you and your clients.

Advantages of Proxy Sites

  • There are lots of advantages in using a proxy server. Let’s give an eye on it.
  • A proxy server helps the user to protect their important data from getting hacked by hackers.
  • A proxy server is at the same time used to bypass blocked websites. Many times It happens that in some schools or offices or in any organizations some of the websites are blocked for their own reasons. Also, several websites have some country limits. In those cases, for you to be able to access those websites, you will need a proxy site to help you in doing so.
  • The proxy server can as well be used to enhance the privacy and security level of the user’s device while surfing using different proxies.
  • A proxy server is also used severally to speed up your browsing and access data. This is because they have a good cache system.
  • As the proxy server has a very good cache system, when you are surfing or simply accessing any website using a proxy site, the Proxy server takes this opportunity to store your data of choice in their cache system.  And as a result, you are able to access the stored data whenever you want.

Disadvantages of Proxy Sites

  • As I stated early, a proxy server has a very good and active the cache system, in many cases, this works in your favor. However, in some instances, it may happen that proxy service provider is able to access or see your browser websites or your passwords, or any secured data which has been saved in the device. For this reason, it is always advisable to go for a paid or dedicated proxy server provider.
  • Many a time It happens, although you have used the encrypted network or connections, your information or data can be leaked by use of a technique usually known as “TLS” or “SSL” encrypted connections.
  • Again as we have now learned about the good and active cache system of a proxy server, we can easily be able to access any blocked website by the use of a proxy server. This sometimes becomes a problem because; students are able to access offensive and blocked websites which might lead to unacceptable behaviors.

Top 20 Best free Proxy list- Safe and Fast

By using proxy sites one is able to easily and comfortably enjoy surfing
all sorts of, social sites, video, and entertaining sites. Here in this
post is a list of names of top best 20 free proxy sites as well as
best proxy server list 2024. So, keep reading this post to get all the
information you might be in need of concerning this topic.

  1. ExtremeVPN Proxy
  2. Proxy
  3. Proxy
  7. Whoer Free Web Proxy

The above are top best 20 free proxy sites that are safe and secure for the user.
Proxy servers will conceal your identity means Machine address making it
impossible for the network admin to recognize you. So, feel free to use
any of the proxies mentioned above and browse anything and anywhere
without any permission anonymously.

Well, we have shared some of the best proxy sites above; you have no reason to worry if some of the listed sites don’t work for you. Keep trying and eventually, you will get the one that suits you well. on the other hand, you can look for more and trying them out.if you want to add me your proxy sites,  please contact me.

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