VPN (virtual private network )  is a secure tunnel over wan (wide area network) which is used  to communicate two or more devices  each other. it provides confidentiality using encryption and integrity using hashing . VPN can be categorized into site to site VPN which is based on peer to peer architecture and remote access VPN which is based on server client architecture. Here, we are going to focus on IPsec site to site VPN.

How does site to site ipsec  vpn work

IPsec is a network protocol suite which consists  of multiple protocols to secure the data over public network. for example AES or 3DES for encryption and MD5 or SHA for integrity . IPsec uses symmetric key encryption algorithm  for  encrypting the data. symmetric key means same key which is used for both encryption and decryption which is high efficient and less work load compare to asymmetric key encryption algorithm .

cisco asa site to site ipsec vpn configuration

The problem with symmetric key algorithm is both peers should need to have the same key and the key should not be sent over public network because hacker can easily eavesdropping the key packet and decrypting the data and AES or 3DES do not create or exchange  keys for themselves.  to overcome the this problem symmetric key should be set manually on both peers but it is not good in the view of security so they have implemented a protocol name Diffie Hellman, it will generate shared secret key without actually sharing the exact shared secret key between two peers. it has to go through 2 phases for the successful data packet transmission.

phase 1

phase 1 is for   secure internet key  management and create secure channel for phase 2 negotiation .
without phase 1, phase 2 negotiation will not happen anyway. ikev is  a hybrid protocol which made from ISkamp , Oakley and Skeme. it uses UDP port number 50. phase 1 has two modes such as main mode and aggressive mode. main mode is the default mode. main differences between main mode and aggressive mode are anonymity and no of messages for phase 1 completion . main mode keeps anonymity while other mode does not. main mode uses  6 messages to complete phase 1 but aggressive mode uses only 3 messages. main mode and aggressive mode are applicable for only IKEV1 .

main mode

As shown in the above diagram , first 2 messages are for security associations negotiation  such hashing, authentication, Diffie-Hellman Group value, life time and encryption. other two messages for generating shared secret key and final two messages for authenticating peers. final two messages encrypted because now both peers have shared secret key so they can use it for AES or 3DES as symmetric key.

Aggressive mode

Ikev1 Aggressive mode

As shown in the above diagram, first 2 messages are for security association negotiation, generating shared secret . and final 2 messages are for authentication. once authentication is successful, phase 1 tunnel will be up.

Phase 2

it has only quick mode. phase 2 tunnel will only form if phase 1 has been already formed. authentication no need and regenerating shared secret key is optional. IPsec uses 2 encapsulation type, ESP and AH. ESP provides confidentiality to the data but AH does not. AH provides integrity  up to some IP header parameters. both do not rely on TCP or UDP. ESP protocol number 50 and AH protocol number 51. SO both have problem with intermediate device which is doing NAT  (network address translation) . NAT does require TCP or UDP port otherwise it will drop the packet.especially NAT traversal is used to over come this problem. NAT traversal is nothing but adding UDP header with port 4500. for more information read IP Security (IPsec) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Document Roadmap

Quick mode

IPsec quick mode

Configuring Site To Site IPsec VPN On Cisco ASA 5505, 5510, 5520, 5515X, 5525X, 5540X, 5545X, 5550X.

VPN termination peers and pcs have full connectivity. ICMP is inspected on both Cisco ASA Firewalls. Routers R3 and R4 are doing port address translation. NAT exemption is configured on both routers for VPN traffic.

Basic configuration- PAT  Exemption
ACL should be created with two statements. first statement will disable PAT process for the ICMP traffic   which is from source to  (Lan To Lan vpn traffic.). Second statement will allow pat process for internet traffic. for R4 source and destination will change.
 ip access-list extended nat
  deny   icmp
  permit icmp any

ip nat inside source list nat interface Serial3/0 overload 

ip access-list extended nat
  deny   icmp
  permit icmp any

ip nat inside source list nat interface Serial3/0 overload

VPN configuration ASAV-1
firstly, we do have to enable ikev1 on outside and define the 5 parameters.
crypto ikev1 enable outside
crypto ikev1 policy 1
 authentication pre-share
 encryption aes
 hash sha
 group 5
 lifetime 86400

Transform-set should be  configured for phase 2 negotiation. sha-hmac is adding unique key with data to the sha hashing algorithm so it provides better security.
crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set vpntrans esp-aes esp-sha-hmac

ACL should be configured to match the VPN L2L traffic. you should configure it according to your requirement.
access-list vpntraffic extended permit icmp

This ACL only allows the remote lan network hosts to enter outside interface of the asav-1.
access-list outside-in extended permit icmp any
access-group outside-in in interface outside

Crypto map should be defined and it should include ACL to match VPN traffic, peer IP address, transform-set name which is configured earlier. Name is case sensitive. setting pfs is optional but it is commanded in the security perspective.  if you enable pfs then new shared secret key will be created for encryption algorithm.
crypto map map1 1 match address vpntraffic
crypto map map1 1 set peer
crypto map map1 1 set ikev1 transform-set vpntrans
crypto map map1 interface outside

Below commands are different from ios to Asa. Pre-shared key should defined under tunnel-group. for ASAV-2 few things should be change like ACL, peer ip address.
tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group ipsec-attributes

ikev1 pre-shared-key  cisco12345


crypto ikev1 enable outside
crypto ikev1 policy 1
 authentication pre-share
 encryption aes
 hash sha
 group 5
 lifetime 86400

crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set vpntrans esp-aes esp-sha-hmac

access-list vpntraffic extended permit icmp
access-list outside-in extended permit icmp any
access-group outside-in in interface outside

crypto map map1 1 match address vpntraffic
crypto map map1 1 set peer
crypto map map1 1 set ikev1 transform-set vpntrans
crypto map map1 interface outside

tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group ipsec-attributes

ikev1 pre-shared-key cisco12345

Security associations verification commands

show crypto ikev1 sa detail
show crypto ipsec sa detail

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