
How to Earn Bitcoin Cash Fast Online

Bitcoin has greatly been embraced in many countries. You may not use it to buy small items in shops. There are supermarkets and petrol stations that accept payment through it. There are various methods that are used to earn Bitcoin. There is one fact about it, there is no free Bitcoin. It is not a must you spend money but you spend time to earn it. Let us discuss various methods of earning it.

Bitcoin earning online

1. Becoming a Writer for Blog Sites

To write about Bitcoin you must be having adequate information about it. There are thousands of blog sites that look for competent writers. You will be paid depending on your skills, they are paid in Bitcoin. Bloggers like writers who have fluent and simple English that is well understood by people. There are many people who are looking for Bitcoin information. When they identify a site that has it, they create traffic.

2. Lending Your Bitcoin

This is a way of earning more Bitcoin when you have little. The owners lend out to people who have crypt-related deals. The return is usually high although the risk is as well high. This is because many people are not honest. They may not return them to you as you had initially agreed.

You may spend a lot of time as you follow them so that they pay you. When this happens they may end up paying the initial amount you had given them without including the agreed interest.
It is a very dangerous deal that leaves many Bitcoin owners with regrets. They end up losing what they had as they try to get more.

3. Gambling

There are many people who use Bitcoin to gamble. This includes gambling for football matches, basketball and even other athlete activities. People use it to gamble instead of loading their accounts with their currency.

It is unfortunate that most of them end up losing even the little they had. It is very risky; you should research well on the team you are betting for before you release your Bitcoin. Always remember that earning Bitcoin takes time but you can lose it within minutes.

4. You Can Invest in Bitcoin Investment Sites

These sites are known as HYIPs meaning High Yield Investment Programs. They have sweet language as they try to entice you to invest with them.
They promise very high-interest rates that end up winning many people. It is normal for people to like where their earning gets high interest quickly.

This does not always happen because the sites use the funds for new members to pay the old members. This continues for a while before the site initially closes and they flee with Bitcoin.
Be warned that these sites are Scam. Do not fall into their trap.

5. Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is where they are generated. Many people believe that this method is free. This is not true because by thinking so they overlook so many factors. You will use a lot of time to research on the sites that are valid.

You may as well end up spending a lot of money on the electricity bill. The bill may be higher than the amount you earn through mining. Your computer may spoil for running for a long time during Bitcoin mining. You will spend a lot of money to cool them and to repair or replace them suppose they spoil.

It is wise to always evaluate the advantages and disadvantages before you make such a major decision. Do not do things in haste and end up in trouble. You may actually end up spending so much than you would mine.

6. Create a Rotator Site

This is a unique site that helps you to surf quickly. You will use various faucets; you will not be required to open new sites. Every faucet has a link that is used for reference purposes. When people visit these faucets the owner gets Bitcoin as a commission.

It is a good way to earn but you will have to be ready to spend a lot on maintaining the rotator. You will be required to keep updating the rotator because the faucets come in close intervals. You will need to have a lot of the anticipated traffic for you to earn a lot of money.

7. Paid to Click

This is well known as PTC. You will be required to watch several adverts on certain sites for you to get Bitcoin. There is a well know site known as ads4BTC. You can choose an advert that runs for 20 seconds, 10 seconds or 5 seconds. The highest amount you can earn in 24 hours is 0.0216 Bitcoin.  There are genuine PTC sites and others that are Scam. You need to do good research before you join any of them.

8. Doing Small Tasks Online

There are sites that will need you to do simple tasks in order to earn Bitcoin. The tasks are not time-consuming but their paying rate is low. You may be asked to do simple tasks like putting a web application into a test.

9. Join Bitcoin Signature Campaigns

People use their Bitcoin talk signatures for different purposes. This includes advertising a certain product, in return they earn Bitcoin. There are different levels of Bitcoin talk. People at different levels are not paid the same. The ones on full membership do not earn a lot.

10. Offer Services That Are in Connection to Bitcoin

These services are like being a Bitcoin mining expert or being a website manager. You can also think of becoming an expert in graphic designing. There are those who become online marketers and others become blockchain developers. All these services are paid in Bitcoin. You can earn a lot by offering them.

There are immense ways of earning Bitcoin. You can play games to earn them or even use your I phone to mine at your comfort.

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